When adding a written line, you have the option to add subjectivities. For subjectivities with a deadline, you can choose your cover type. This will be either 'Holding Cover' or 'No Cover Given'.
Note: if you select 'Holding Cover', you cannot switch to 'No Cover Given' when updating your line conditions. However, you are able to switch from 'No Cover Given' to 'Holding Cover'. This is because a 'No Cover Given' line does not show your stamp on the slip but a 'Holding Cover' line does.
Follow the process of writing a line. Upon entering the terms of your line:
Under Additional Line Options, select 'Subjectivities'.
Select With Deadline.
Choose Cover Type by selecting 'Holding Cover' or 'No Cover Given'.
Type in your subjectivity.
Choose a deadline date.
Option to click plus icon (+) to write more subjectivities and minus button (-) to remove these.
Option to add different deadline dates for each subjectivity.
Finish entering the terms of your line.
Select 'Submit' ('Write Lines' on iOS) and follow the authentication process to save these changes.