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Home > Getting Started > Notifications > What are blue badges for?
What are blue badges for?
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Blue badges on the riskcard notify a user of changes to the status of a contract or attachments and chat messages received. Both brokers and underwriters will see blue badges on the top right hand side of riskcards in the home screen. Selecting the blue badge will open a dropdown to display more information about the notification.


Blue badges appear when a new when a new riskcard or new version of a contract (such as quote request, firm order, endorsement) is received or a user receives a chat message or attachments. These are different from 'Events', which are displayed with red badges to indicate that they require a specific action from a user. (Click here to to learn more about events/red badges)


The riskcard below shows a contract received by a carrier with blue badges triggered by a message from the broker, as well as an attachment added to the contract. Selecting 'Attachments' or 'Chat' will direct the user to that particular attachment or message.



Unopened documents in the risk level overview also display a small blue notification icon in the top left hand side to help a user keep track of unopened versions. This is shown below.


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