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Home > New Releases > Improved Platform MI Report
Improved Platform MI Report
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As part of release 1.6.5, a new version of the Platform MI Report was released on 24th September 2021.


The new version brings significant performance enhancements for larger organisations with volumes of data that may have caused previous versions to time out.

The report also includes new columns for broker name, contract type and underwriter name, as well as other improvements to presentation. By default the report now selects the "Tall" format, which we recommend for organisations that want to integrate the data into other systems. The "Wide" format is still available, and customers may choose between .XLSX and .CSV output.


It is also possible to automate / schedule the running of the report. See the following article for more information


Summary of Changes

The following summarises the changes that have been made for this version of the report:


File name

By default the new report output contains your organisation name and the date the report was run.


Large extracts

The new report is optimised to run for larger data sets. While it can still take a while to complete the first time it is run, subsequent extracts are much faster.  If the first run takes longer than 10 minutes, it may be necessary to refresh the page and try again, as the browser session may have timed out.


New columns - All Editions

  • Broker Name
  • Contract Type
  • Underwriter Name


Changed Column Header

  • “Section Name” is now “Section”


Wide Report, Broker Edition

  • Column header naming scheme adjusted so the carrier number is presented at the end of the label. For example “Written Line Carrier 1%” becomes “Written Line Carrier % 1”
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