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Home > Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) > Which browsers does the Whitespace Platform support?
Which browsers does the Whitespace Platform support?
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The Whitespace Platform is best experienced on iOS mobile devices (iPad and iPhone). However, some functions are only supported on the browser edition. Further, some users may not have iOS devices so may need to use the browser.


Maintaining support for multiple browsers and their interpretations of HTML (and other standards) is a significant drain on Whitespace resources. As a headline, Whitespace supports the latest versions of the following browsers:

  • Chrome
  • Safari

We understand that some customers still have a degree of reliance on older browsers such as IE11, and less well-used browsers such as Microsoft Edge.


We have looked at the feature-deficit these browsers have built up over time. In order to provide users with the best possible experience we have chosen not to expend time and resource coding around their short-comings.


This is especially relevant in light of Microsoft's announcement that their Edge browser is moving its codebase to Chromium in 2019.

Update: Microsoft doesn’t have an exact release date in mind, but Edge isn’t likely to enter the stable channel and be ready for release until early 2020.


Internet Explorer, as can be seen in the chart, has fallen a long way behind the other browsers. It is now only being supported for security updates, and our recommendation is that organisations should be planning to move any dependencies away from IE11 as soon as possible. 

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